

2023年 |2022年 |2021年 |2020年 |2019年 |2017年 | 2016年 | 2015年 | 2014年 | 2013年 | 2012年 | 2011年 | 2010年 | 2009年 | 2008年以前


【論 文】

  1. 青木宏樹, 出村慎一, 山次俊介, 長澤吉則, 中谷敏昭, 灘本雅一. 健常者の静止立位姿勢における足圧中心動揺変数の性差と年代差,及び変数間の関係, 教育医学. 2023, 68(4), 247-257.
  2. Zempo-Miyaki A, Kumagai H, Tanahashi K, Zempo H, Otsuki T, Maeda S. Sugar-Rich Food Intake Is Negatively Associated with Plasma Pentraxin 3 Levels. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2023, 30;32(4):330-337.


【論 文】

  1. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Hirai H. Effect of one-side-shoulder bag holding with different weights on center of gravity shaking during a standing posture in young women. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2022, 10(1), 1-5.
  2. Nagasawa Y, Demura S. Effects of intensive up-to-exhaustion walking exercise on center of gravity sway. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research. 2022, 6(3), 314-320.
  3. Kosaki K, Yokota A, Tanahashi K, Myoenzono K, Park J, Yoshikawa T, Yoshida Y, Murase T, Akari S, Nakamura T, Maeda S. Associations of circulating xanthine oxidoreductase activity with cardiometabolic risk markers in overweight and obese Japanese men: a cross-sectional pilot study. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2022, 71(2):122-128.


【論 文】

  1. 長澤吉則. ヒトの筋調整的発揮能力(筋力発揮調整能力)をはかる. 教育医学. 2021, 66, 231-241.
  2. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Hirai H. A study on gender and vision differences in terms of the center of gravity sway in adults’ standing. The Educational Review, USA. 2021, 5(12), 451-459.
  3. Akazawa N, Tanahashi K, Kosaki K, Oikawa S, Kumagai H, Maeda S. Effects of aerobic exercise training on mental health and arterial stiffness in middle-aged and older adults. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021, 61(10), 1387-1392.
  4. Kosaki K, Tarumi T, Sugawara J, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Matsui M, Sugaya T, Osuka Y, Tanaka K, Kuro-O M, Saito C, Yamagata K, Maeda S. Renal hemodynamics across the adult lifespan: Relevance of flow pulsatility to chronic kidney disease. Exp Gerontol. 2021, 152, 111459.


【原 著】

  1. 当麻成人, 出村慎一, 青木宏樹, 長澤吉則, 松浦義昌, 上田修裕, 藤松典子. 連続選択タッチ反応テストの利き手と非利き手間差及びタッチ位置間差の検討. 大阪薬科大学紀要, 14, 5-9, (2020).
  2. 棚橋嵩一郎, 沼尾成晴, 蓬莱真美, 長澤吉則. 若年成人における僧帽筋上部の軟部組織硬度と睡眠障害の関係. 京都薬科大学紀要, 1(1), 24-30 (2020).
  3. 棚橋嵩一郎, 沼尾成晴, 齋藤博斗, 長澤吉則. 薬学部学生における生活習慣と睡眠障害の関係. 京都薬科大学紀要, 1(2), 94-102, (2020).
  4. Matsui M, Kosaki K, Tanahashi K, Akazawa N, Osuka Y, Tanaka K, Kuro-O M, Maeda S. Relationship between physical activity and circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 in middle-aged and older adults. Exp Gerontol, DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2020.111081 (2020).
  5. Akazawa N, Tanahashi K, Kosaki K, Kumagai H, Oikawa S, Hamasaki A, Maeda S. The impact of aerobic fitness on arterial stiffness and adrenal cortex hormones in middle-aged and older adults. Endocr J, DOI:10.1507/endocrj.EJ20-0211 (2020).
  6. Kosaki K, Tanahashi K, Matsui M, Akazawa N, Osuka Y, Tanaka K, Dunstan DW, Owen N, Shibata A, Oka K, Maeda S. Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and renal function in older adults: isotemporal substitution modelling. BMC Nephrol, 21(1):211, DOI: 10.1186/s12882-020-01869-8 (2020).
  7. Kosaki K, Kamijo-Ikemori A, Sugaya T, Kumamoto S, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Kimura K, Shibagaki Y, Maeda S. Incremental short maximal exercise increases urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein in adults without CKD. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 30(4):709-715, DOI: 10.1111/sms.13618 (2020).
  8. Matsui M, Yoshikawa T, Mizushima R, Tanahashi K, Myoenzono K, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Association between duration of excessive weight and arterial stiffness in middle-aged and older adults. Clin Exp Hypertens, 42(3):213-217, DOI: 10.1080/10641963.2019.1619752 (2020).


【原 著】

  1. Nagasawa Y, Demura S: Effect of Grip Strength on Controlled Force Exertion in Different Strength Exertion Phases in Young Men, American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 7(2), 40-44, DOI: 10.12691/ajssm-7-2-3 (2019).
  2. 沼尾成晴、長澤吉則、五郎丸直美、蓑毛佳代、田巻俊一:慢性期心疾患患者の強度別日常身体活動量が心疾患関連因子に及ぼす影響, 心臓リハビリテーション(JJCR), 第25巻, 第2号, 207-213, (2019).
  3. Kimura Y, Kato T, Miyata H, Sasaki I, Muta-Minamino E, Nagasawa Y, Numao S, Nagano T, Higuchi T, Inoko M: Factors associated with increased levels of Brain natriuretic peptide and cardiac troponin I during the peripartum period, PLOS ONE,
    https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0211982 (2019).
  4. Numao S, Nagasawa Y, Goromaru N, Tamaki S, Comparison of circulating fatty acid binding protein 4 concentration in venous and capillary blood, PLOS ONE,
    https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226374 (2019).
  5. Matsui M, Kosaki K, Akazawa N, Tanahashi K, Kuro-o M, Maeda S. Association between circulating fibroblast growth factor 21, aerobic fitness, and aortic blood pressure in middle-aged and older women. J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 8(5), 195-201 (2019).
  6. 吉岡将輝, 崔 英珠, 棚橋嵩一郎, 栃木悠里子, 佐藤智仁, 朴 ジヨン, 門馬怜子, 前田清司. アスリートにおける競技特性と動脈スティフネス適応の関連. 体力科学. 68巻, 6号, 381-387 (2019).

【著 書】

  1. 長澤吉則: 実測による体力および動作の測定と評価, 専門的体力と専門的運動技能, 神経機能の測定と評価, 筋力発揮調整能力. 出村慎一監修,長澤吉則,山次俊介,佐藤 進,宮口和義,野口雄慶,松浦義昌編集. 健康・スポーツ科学のための動作と体力の測定法-ここが知りたかった測定と評価のコツ―, 杏林書院, (2019).


【原 著】

  1. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Shimada S: Characteristics of the life habits of obese students at one of Japan's the National Colleges of Technology, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 20160109 (2017).
  2. 沼尾成晴、河野寛、遠藤直哉、山田優香、高橋将記、小西真幸、坂本静男: 日本人の食前血中遊離脂肪酸は食後糖代謝と関連する, 京薬論集, 23, 23-36 (2017).
  3. Sugimoto H, Demura S, Nagasawa Y: Effects of participation frequency of rehabilitation classroom on physical functions and their sex-related differences in elderly patients with cardiac diseases during maintenance period, American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 5-10 (2017).


  1. 川野裕姫子、出村慎一、松浦義昌、長澤吉則、杉本寛恵: α-amylase活性を指標とした女性介護労働者の生理的ストレスの日内変動, 教育医学, 63(1), 36 (2017).
  2. 長澤吉則、出村慎一、青木宏樹、杉本寛恵: 健康づくり教室参加頻度が異なる心疾患維持期高齢者における身体機能と転倒リスク、抑うつ、生きがい感及び生活満足度との関係, 教育医学, 63(1), 53 (2017).
  3. 杉本寛恵、出村慎一、長澤吉則、川野裕姫子: 若年独身者における保育サービス需要の性差について, 教育医学, 63(1), 54-55 (2017).
  4. 青木宏樹、出村慎一、長澤吉則、嶋山進一: 把握力発揮の正確性と一側優位性, 教育医学, 63(1), 69 (2017).
  5. Yoshinori Nagasawa, Shinichi Demura, Yoshimasa Matsuura: Age-related difference of controlled force exertion in different phase of exerted force in men, The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 6(6), 488 (2017).
  6. Yoshimasa Matsuura, Shinichi Demura, Yoshinori Nagasawa, Yu Uchida, Hitoshi Watanabe: Body sway during eye-opened one-leg stance of elderly persons, Indices of changed with time and gender difference, The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 6(6), 528 (2017).


【総 説】

  1. Numao S: A single bout of exercise and postprandial hyperglycemia caused by high-fat diet. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 5, 181-185 (2016).

【原 著】

  1. Numao S, Kawano H, Endo N, Yamada Y, Takahashi M, Konishi M, Sakamoto S. Short-term high-fat diet alters postprandial glucose metabolism and circulating vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in healthy males. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41(8), 895-902 (2016).
  2. Nagasawa Y, Demura S. Effect of short-term exercise on controlled force exertion in young and middle-aged adults. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 4(3), 78-82 (2016). 


【著 書】

  1. Numao S: Role of physical exercise on postprandial blood glucose responses to low-carbhydorate/high-fat diet intake. In: Kanosue K, Oshima S, Cao ZB, Oka K. Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior, and Health, Springer Japan, Tokyo, pp 151-164 (2015).
  2. 長澤吉則: 筋力発揮調整能テスト. 出村慎一監修,宮口和義,佐藤進,佐藤敏郎,池本幸雄編集. 高齢者の体力および生活活動の測定と評価, 市村出版, 東京, pp 85-87 (2015).

【原 著】

  1. 岡田好,加藤貴雄,広瀬紗也子,長澤吉則,沼尾成晴,猪子森明: 経皮的冠動脈形成術後のフォローアップの負荷心筋血流イメージング検査.冠疾患学会誌21(1), 20-27 (2015).
  2. Kim HK, Konishi M, Takahashi M, Tabata H, Endo N, Numao S, Lee SK, Kim YH, Suzuki K, Sakamoto S: Effects of acute endurance exercise performed in the morning and evening on inflammatory cytokine and metabolic hormone responses. PLOS ONE, 10(9), e0137567 (2015).
  3. Matsuda S, Nagasawa Y, Ishihara T, Demura T, Komura K: Is it possible to improve collegiate soccer players’ jump ability? : A comparison of soccer and volleyball players’ jump height, arm swing, and body crouch in vertical and header jumps. Football Science, 12, 1-10 (2015).


  1. 長澤吉則: 地域医療推進のための身体機能評価法の開発とネットワークづくりに関する研究, 平成26年度私立大学等経常費補助金特別補助 大学院等の機能の高度化への支援 大学間連携等による共同研究 成果報告書,京都薬科大学 (2015).


【原 著】

  1. 辰巳由香理、小笹寧子、斎藤由佳、森島史佳、梅田陽子、吉田路子、鮑炳元、沼尾成晴、長澤吉則、浜崎博、木村剛: 高齢心疾患患者におけるチェア・エクササイズの安全性と効果の検討.  心臓リハビリテーション19, 95-99 (2014).
  2. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Takahashi K, Sugiura H, Uchida Y: Effect of maximum grip strength on controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal waveform in young adult males.  Sport Sciences for Health 10, 23-28 (2014).
  3. Sugimoto H, Demura S, Nagasawa Y, Shimomura M: Changes in the physical functions of pre-frail elderly women after participation in a 1-year preventative exercise program.  Geriatrics and Gerontology International 14, 975-982 (2014).
  4. Sugimoto H, Demura S, Nagasawa Y: Age and gender-related differences in physical functions of the elderly following one-year regular exercise therapy.  Health 6, 792-801 (2014).
  5. Endo N, Konishi M, Kim HK, Takahashi M, Nishimaki M, Numao S, Sakamoto S: The difference of the influence between acute swimming and running on cardiac fatigue in young males.  日本臨床生理学会雑誌 44, 77-89 (2014).
  6. Sugimoto H, Demura S, Nagasawa Y: Age and gender-related differences in physical functions of the elderly following one-year regular exercise therapy: comparison with standard values.  American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2, 148-153 (2014).
  7. 金鉉基、高橋将記、小西真幸、田端宏樹、遠藤直哉、沼尾成晴、鈴木克彦、坂本静男.運動実施時間帯の違いが一過性持久性運動時における代謝関連指標ならびにホルモン応答に及ぼす影響.  日本臨床スポーツ医学会雑誌22, 497-505 (2014).
  8. Nagasawa Y, Demura S: Japanese women's age-related differences between controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal waveform and a bar chart display.  American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2, 212-217 (2014).


【著 書】

  1. 沼尾成晴: 10章 体脂肪分布の測定と評価.2形態・体組成の測定と評価.健康づくり・介護予防のための体力測定評価法(第2版), 田中喜代次、木塚朝博、大藏倫博編集, pp.88-93, 金芳堂 (2013).
  2. 沼尾成晴、松尾知明: 17章安静時・運動時のエネルギー代謝の測定と評価. 4その他の健康関連指標の測定と評価.健康づくり・介護予防のための体力測定評価法(第2版), 田中喜代次、木塚朝博、大藏倫博編集, pp.158-165, 金芳堂 (2013).
  3. 長澤吉則: 8章 関連の分析.1測定値の尺度と関連を示す統計量.2変数間の関連の分析.健康・スポーツ科学のためのRによる統計解析入門, 出村愼一監修、山次俊介、高橋信二、鈴木宏哉編著, pp.163-189, 杏林書院 (2013).

【原 著】

  1. Konishi M, Takahashi M, Endo N, Numao S, Takagi S, Miyashita M, Midorikawa T, Suzuki K, Sakamoto S. Effects of sleep deprivation on autonomic and endocrine functions throughout the day and on exercise tolerance in the evening.  J. Sports Sci. 31, 248-255 (2013).
  2. Konishi M, Takahashi M, Endo N, Numao S, Takagi S, Miyashita M, Midorikawa T, Suzuki K, Sakamoto S. Effect of one night of sleep deprivation on maximal fat oxidation during graded exercise.  J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med. 2, 121-126 (2013).
  3. 鮑炳元、小笹寧子、森島文佳、斉藤由佳、辰巳由香里、吉田路子、梅田陽子、浜崎博、塩井哲雄、木村剛.退院時の内服薬剤数は心不全患者の再入院/死亡イベントと関連する.  心臓リハビリテーション 18, 247-252 (2013).
  4. Kawano H, Mineta M, Asaka M, Miyashita M, Numao S, Gando Y, Ando T, Sakamoto S, Higuchi M. Effects of different modes of exercise on appetite and appetite-regulating hormones.  Appetite 66, 26-33 (2013).
  5. Sugiura H, Demura S, Nagasawa Y, Yamaji S, Kitabayashi T, Matsuda S, Yamada T, Xu N. Relationship between extent of coffee intake and recognition of its effects and ingredients.  Detection 1, 1-6 (2013).
  6. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Takahashi K: Age differences between the controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal and a bar chart display.  Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. 57, 86-91 (2013).
  7. Numao S, Kawano H, Endo N, Yamada Y, Konishi M, Takahashi M, Sakamoto S: Effects of a single bout of aerobic exercise on short-term low-carbohydrate/high-fat intake-induced postprandial glucose metabolism during an oral glucose tolerance test.  Metabolism 62, 1406-1415 (2013).


【著 書】

  1. 長澤吉則: 有疾患(心臓病)高齢者を対象とした運動教室.地域高齢者のための転倒予防:転倒の基礎理論から介入実践まで、 佐藤 進、山次俊介 編著、 出村慎一 監修, pp. 216-225, 杏林書院 (2012).

【総 説】

  1. Numao S: The effects of exercise on adipokines - Focus on circulating adiponectin level in human studies-.  The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 1, 531-535 (2012).

【原 著】

  1. 杉本寛恵、長澤吉則、下村雅昭、千葉真理子、出村慎一: 1年間の包括的心臓リハビリテーションに参加した維持期高齢者における身体機能の変化とその性差.教育医学, 57(3), 225-232 (2012).
  2. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Age and controlled force exertion in Japanese women as measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal and quasirandom waveform display.  Sport Science for Health, 8, 39-45 (2012).
  3. Demura S, Aoki H, Kawabata H, and Nagasawa Y: Comparing decrease characteristics of intermittent muscle power exertion in hand grip and elbow flexion movements.  Gazzeta Medica Italiana-Archives of Science Medicine, 171, 269-275 (2012).
  4. Noguchi T, Demura S, and Nagasawa Y: Relationship between ball kick velocity and leg strength: A comparison between soccer players and other athletes.  Advancwes in Physical Education, 2, 95-98 (2012).
  5. Numao S, Kawano H, Endo N, Yamada Y, Konishi M, Takahashi M, Sakamoto S: Short-term low carbohydrate/high fat diet intake increases postprandial blood glucose and glucagon-like peptide 1 levels during an oral glucose tolerance test in healthy men.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66, 926-931 (2012).
  6. Demura S, Nagasawa Y, and Yamaji S: Comparison of the oxygenation kinetics measured by different NIRS instruments during static sustained hand gripping.  Gazzeta Medica Italiana-Archives of Science Medicine, 171, 721-729 (2012).
  7. Numao S, Sasai H, Nomata Y, Matsuo T, Eto M, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K: Effects of exercise training on circulating retinol-binding protein 4 and cardiovascular diseases risk factors in obese men.  Obesity Facts, 5, 845-855 (2012).
  8. 山口美春、明石苑美、岩田千代、長澤吉則、下村雅昭: 青年期女性の下肢機能及び歩行機能と年齢の関係-女子大学生を対象とした測定結果からの検討-. ウォーキング研究, 16, 215-218 (2012).


【著 書】

  1. 長澤吉則: スポーツと心理のかかわり.欲求、ストレスと疲労への対処法.健康・スポーツ科学講義 第2版, 佐藤 進、山次俊介、長澤吉則、吉村喜信 編著, 出村慎一 監修, pp. 191-201, 218-234, 杏林書院 (2011).
  2. 長澤吉則: 身体運動の重要性.運動を調節するしくみ.呼吸循環器への効果.テキスト保健体育 改訂版, 佐藤 進、山次俊介 編著, 出村慎一 監修, pp. 15-19, 68-74, 164-168, 大修館書店 (2011).

【原 著】

  1. 上林加代子、小笹寧子、塩井哲雄、北川綾子、武田真寿美、浜崎 博、木村 剛: 心臓リハビリテーション参加患者における脂質管理状況の検討.心臓リハビリテーション, 16(1), 113-117 (2011).
  2. 島田 茂、出村慎一、長澤吉則、山田孝禎、小林秀紹: 体格と身体組成からみた高専男子学生における肥満者の体力の特徴.教育医学, 56(3), 267-274 (2011).
  3. Demura S, Yamaji S, Nagasawa Y and Nakada M: Different gripping intervals in reproducibility of force-decreasing curve and muscle oxygenation kinetics during sustained maximal gripping. Percept. Mot. Skills, 112(2), 561-572 (2011).
  4. Demura S, Sato S, Yamaji S, Kasuga K, and Nagasawa Y: Examination of validity of fall risk assessment items for screening high fall risk elderly among the healthy community-dwelling Japanese population. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53, e41-e45 (2011).
  5. Demura S, Yamada T, Uchiyama M, Sugiura H, and Hamazaki H: Selection of useful items for fall risk screening for community dwelling Japanese elderly from the perspective of fall experience, physical function, and age level differences. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53, 123-130 (2011).
  6. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Age-related corresponding relationships of controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal and quasi-random display. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 15, 283-292 (2011).
  7. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, Matsuda S, Uchida Y, and Demura T: Effect of differences in kicking legs, kick directions, and kick skill on kicking accuracy in soccer players. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 7(4), Article 9 (2011).
  8. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Provisional standard by age groups of the controlled force exertion test using a sinusoidal display in Japanese females. The Kyoyakuronsyu, 18, 37-46 (2011).


  1. Shin S, Demura S, Nagasawa Y, and Sato S: Effects of physical activity status on the physical fitness of pubescent Korean students. The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education and Health Science, The Journal of Education and Health Science, 57(1), 112-113 (2011).
  2. Sugimoto H, Nagasawa Y, and Shimomura M: Preventative health programs and functional mobility in the healthy and pre-frail elderly. The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education and Health Science, The Journal of Education and Health Science, 57(1), 124-125 (2011).
  3. Sato S, Demura S, Nagasawa Y, Shin S, Kawabata H, and Yoshimura Y: The relationship between the subjective preference legs and the leg used for stabilization and mobilization activities. The 14th Scientific Meeting of Korea-Japan Health Education Symposium and the 59th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Education and Health Science, The Journal of Education and Health Science, 57(1), 158-159 (2011).


【原 著】

  1. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Reproducibility of controlled force exertion measurements computed by a quasi-random target-pursuit system. Percept. Mot. Skills, 110(2), 366-378 (2010).
  2. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Provisional norms by age group for Japanese women on the controlled force exertion test using a quasi-random display. Percept. Mot. Skills, 110(2), 613-624 (2010).
  3. Ozasa N, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Hamazaki H, Kita T, and Kimura T: Six-minute walk distance in healthy Japanese adults. Genaral Medicine, 11(1), 25-30 (2010).
  4. 島田 茂、出村慎一、山田孝禎、小林秀紹、長澤吉則: 高等専門学校男子学生の生活習慣および健康状態の縦断的推移-3年間の縦断的資料を用いて.教育医学, 55(4), 293-304 (2010).
  5. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Age and individual differences in controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal and quasi-random display. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 14, 176-185 (2010).
  6. Matsuda S, Demura S, and Nagasawa Y: Static one-legged balance in soccer players during use of a lifted leg. Percept. Mot. Skills, 111(1), 167-177 (2010).
  7. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, and Hamazaki H: Age and sex differences of controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated quasi-random target-pursuit system. J Musculoskelet. Neuronal Interact, 10(3), 237-244 (2010).
  8. 下村雅昭、長澤吉則、浜崎 博: 女子大学生における歩行量と身体部位別の体組成について. Walking Research, 14, 67-70 (2010).


【著 書】

  1. 長澤吉則: Excelの基本操作とデータ保存.関連の分析.健康スポーツ科学のためのExcelによる統計解析入門, 佐藤 進、山次俊介、長澤吉則 編著, 出村慎一 監修, pp. 19-30, 217-273, 杏林書院 (2009).

【総 説】

  1. 下村雅昭、羽田龍彦、浜崎 博: 虚血性心疾患患者を対象としたスポーツリハビリテーションによるヘルスプロモーション. 適応医学, 13(2), 9-13 (2009).

【原 著】

  1. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Age and sex differences of controlled force exertion measured by a computer-generated sinusoidal target-pursuit system. J. Physiol. Anthropol., 28(4), 199-205 (2009).
  2. Demura S, Sato S, and Nagasawa Y: Re-examination of useful items for determining hand dominance. Gazz. Med. Ital. - Arch. Sci. Med., 168, 169-177 (2009).
  3. Noguchi T, Demura S, Nagasawa Y, and Uchiyama M: Influence of measurement order by dominant and nondominant hands on performance of a pursuit-rotor task. Percept. Mot. Skills, 108(3), 905-914 (2009).
  4. Nagasawa Y, and Demura S: Age and sex differences in controlled force exertion measured by a computing bar chart target-pursuit system. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 13, 140-150 (2009).
  5. 下村 雅昭、浜崎 博、長澤吉則、中川久恵: 心臓病を有する高齢者のヘルスプロモーションに対する歩行能力の影響.ウォーキング研究, 13, 173-176(2009).
  6. Nagasawa Y, Demura S, and Hamazaki H: Provisional norms by age group for Japanese males on the controlled force exertion test using a quasi-random display. Sport Sci. Health, 5(3), 121-127 (2009).

【講 演】

  1. 浜崎 博: スポーツと禅. 京薬論集刊行会第7回文化講演会 (京都), 2009.11.

