
 The Garden of Medicinal Plants,KPU

FFD: Floral Fluorescence Database

There is no science without fancy, and no art without facts.
Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977)

Japanese version

Cirsium japonicum (Asteraceae)

Family name index

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Welcome to the Floral Fluorescence Database.

 Pollen and/or anther of a number of plant flowers show blue fluoresccence under UV light. Major colour of fluorescence is blue although some pollens and/or anthers show green or yellow fluorescence. H. Fukui, Professor emeritus of Kagawa University, took many photographs of flowers under UV light. This site provides photographs of about 580 plants. Several photographs taken by S. Mori are also included. You can comprehensively search plants by its scientific name and Japanese name from upper box. Familial classification of plants is based on APG III (2009). Almost all of the photographs were taken with a digital single lens reflex camera "Nikon D300" under a fluorescent light and a black light (UV 365 nm) in the darkroom.

 Why do many pollens and/or anthers emit fluorescence? Anthers usually extend beyond the corolla, and genes in pollen are exposed to the risk of damage from solar UV irradiation. Fluorescent compounds may protect genes in pollen from the UV light through emission of heat and fluorescence. Another role of fluorescence from pollen and anther may be attracting insects as pollinators, while, for insects, the fluorescence may be a marker of food, assuming that insects can recognize such fluorescence. We are studying the property of fluorescent compounds and the behaviour of insects to confirm the above hypothesis.

Hiroshi Fukui1, Nobuhiro Hirai2, Shinnosuke Mori2, Katsumi Goto3, Junji Toyoda4, and Junko Tsukioka3
(1Professor Emeritus of Kagawa University, 2Graduate Schoool of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 3The Garden of Medicinal Plants, Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univeristy, 4Creative Office Yutaka)

 Biography of Hiroshi Fukui Ph.D. (1941-2013)
 1941 Born in Kyoto
 1970 Assistant Professor, Kyoto University
 1971 Ph.D., Kyoto University
 1978 Associate Professor, Kyoto University
 1991 Professor, Kagawa University
 2007 Professor Emeritus of Kagawa University