Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Division of Medicinal Chemical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemistry


Hisanori Nambu


在学期間 学校名
1991年4月1日 大阪府立茨木高等学校 入学
1994年3月31日 大阪府立茨木高等学校 卒業
1995年4月1日 大阪大学薬学部薬学科 入学
1995年8月8日 普通自動車運転免許 取得(登録番号第629403015010号) 現在は中型 (8t限定)
1999年3月31日 大阪大学薬学部薬学科 卒業
1999年4月1日 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科博士前期課程 入学
1999年8月31日 薬剤師免許 取得(登録番号第344872号)
2001年3月31日 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科博士前期課程 修了
2001年4月1日 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科博士後期課程 入学
2004年3月25日 博士(薬学) 取得(大阪大学,学位記番号第18629号)
2004年3月31日 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科博士後期課程 修了
2005年6月27日 危険物取扱免許(甲種) 取得(交付知事:北海道,交付番号第00021号)
2011年7月6日 第一種衛生管理者 取得(免許証番号第01007653911号)


期間 勤務先 及び 職名
2003年4月1日 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC)(2004年3月31日まで)
2004年4月1日 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD)(2005年1月31日まで)
2004年6月20日 スイス連邦工科大学チューリヒ校化学科 博士研究員(Prof. Erick M. Carreira)
2005年2月1日 北海道大学大学院薬学研究科 助手
2006年4月1日 北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 助手
2007年4月1日 北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 助教
2007年4月1日 北海道大学大学院生命科学院 助教
2007年4月1日 北海道大学薬学部 助教
2012年8月1日 富山大学大学院医学薬学研究部(薬学) 准教授
2019年10月1日 富山大学 学術研究部 薬学・和漢系 准教授 (現在に至る)

3.Academic Conference

2002年2月~現在継続中 日本薬学会
2005年3月~現在継続中 有機合成化学協会
2006年2月~現在継続中 日本薬学会医薬化学部会
2007年6月~現在継続中 アメリカ化学会
2011年2月~2013年2月  有機合成化学協会誌編集協力委員
2012年2月~現在継続中 日本化学会

4.Awards and Punishments

2016年11月27日 平成28年度日本薬学会北陸支部学術奨励賞 受賞
2018年12月4日 第16回(平成30年度)有機合成化学協会関西支部賞 受賞

5. Original Article

70. Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed Site-Selective Intramolecular Insertion of Aryldiazoacetates into Unactivated Primary C–H Bond: A Direct Route to 2-Unsubstituted Indanes
Hisanori Nambu, Ryoya Amano, Takafumi Tamura, and Takayuki Yakura
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2022, 364, 2422–2428.

69. Synthesis of 1-Azaazulenes Using Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropane with Amine
Hisanori Nambu, Yuta Onuki, Koga Yamazaki, and Takayuki Yakura
Heterocycles 2021, 103, 1099–1107.

68. Diastereo- and Enantioselective Intramolecular 1,6-C–H Insertion Reaction of Diaryldiazomethanes Catalyzed by Chiral Dirhodium(II)-Carboxylates
Motoki Ito, Yuji Kondo, Ryosuke Namie, Yoshihiro Natori, Koji Takeda, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, Yasunori Yamamoto, Shigeki Matsunaga, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Heterocycles 2021, 103, 1078–1098.

67. Stereoselective Alkylation of Oxathiazinane N,O-Ketals for the Construction of Aza-quaternary Carbon Centers
Hisanori Nambu, Eri Tanaka, Mai Okada, Chiaki Hirosawa, Narumi Noda, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Heterocycles 2021, 103, 425–443.

66. Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropanes Using Sulfoxonium Ylides
Yuta Onuki, Hisanori Nambu, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2020, 68, 479–486.

65. Protecting-Group-Free Formal Synthesis of Aspidospermidine: Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropane with Amine Followed by Regioselective Alkylations
Hisanori Nambu, Takafumi Tamura, and Takayuki Yakura
J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 15990–15996.

64. Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropanes with Stabilized Sulfonium Ylides for the Construction of a Chromane Skeleton
Hisanori Nambu, Yuta Onuki, Naoki Ono, Kiyoshi Tsuge, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 6539–6542.

63. Chemo- and Stereoselective Six-Membered Oxonium Ylide Formation–[2,3]- Sigmatropic Rearrangement of 2-Diazo-3-ketoesters with Dirhodium(II) Catalyst and its Application to the Synthesis of (+)-Tanikolide
Hikari Jinnouchi, Hisanori Nambu, Kanae Takahashi, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Tetrahedron 2019, 75, 4578–4591.

62. [4-Iodo-3-(isopropylcarbamoyl)phenoxy]acetic Acid as a Highly Reactive and Easily Separable Catalyst for the Oxidative Cleavage of Tetrahydrofuran-2-methanols to g-Lactones
Takayuki Yakura, Tomoya Fujiwara, Hideyuki Nishi, Yushi Nishimura, and Hisanori Nambu
Synlett 2018, 29, 2316–2320.

61. Divergent Total Synthesis of Penaresidin B and its Straight Side Chain Analogue
Tomoya Fujiwara, Kazuki Hashimoto, Masanori Umeda, Saki Murayama, Yuki Ohno, Bo Liu, Hisanori Nambu, and Takayuki Yakura
Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 4578–4591.

60. Iodide-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Cyclization of Cyclohexane-1,3-dione-2- spirocyclopropanes
Hisanori Nambu, Yuta Onuki, Naoki Ono, and Takayuki Yakura
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 2938–2944 (selected as Cover Picture and Very Important Publication).

59. 2-Iodo-N-isopropyl-5-methoxybenzamide as a Highly Reactive and Environmentally Benign Catalyst for Alcohol Oxidation
Takayuki Yakura, Tomoya Fujiwara, Akihiro Yamada, and Hisanori Nambu
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 971–978.

58. Divergent Synthesis of (+)-Tanikolide and its Analogues Employing Stereoselective Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed Reaction
Hikari Jinnouchi, Hisanori Nambu, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 1059–1070.

57. Structural and Thermodynamic Analyses Reveal Critical Features of Glycopeptide Recognition by the Human PILRa Immune Cell Receptor
Atsushi Furukawa, Kosuke Kakita, Tomoki Yamada, Mikihiro Ishizuka, Jiro Sakamoto, Nanao Hatori, Naoyoshi Maeda, Fumina Ohsaka, Takahashi Saitoh, Takao Nomura, Kimiko Kuroki, Hisanori Nambu, Hisashi Arase, Shigeki Matsunaga, Masahiro Anada, Toyoyuki Ose, Shunichi Hashimoto, and Katsumi Maenaka
J. Biol. Chem. 2017, 292, 21128–21136.

56. An Efficient Route to Highly Substituted Indoles via Tetrahydroindol-4(5H)-one Intermediates Produced by Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropanes with Amines
Hisanori Nambu, Wataru Hirota, Masahiro Fukumoto, Takafumi Tamura, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 16799–16805 (selected as Cover Picture and Hot Paper).

55. Total Synthesis of Sphingofungin E and 4,5-Di-epi-sphingofungin E
Narumi Noda, Hisanori Nambu, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2017, 65, 687–696.

54. Total Synthesis of Myriocin and Mycestericin D Employing Rh(II)-Catalyzed C–H Amination Followed by Stereoselective Alkylation
Narumi Noda, Hisanori Nambu, Kana Ubukata, Tomoya Fujiwara, Kiyoshi Tsuge, and Takayuki Yakura
Tetrahedron 2017, 73, 868–878.

53. An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of 2′,3′-Nonsubstituted Cycloalkane-1,3-dione-2-spirocyclopropanes Using (2-Bromoethyl)diphenylsulfonium Trifluoromethanesulfonate
Hisanori Nambu, Naoki Ono, Wataru Hirota, Masahiro Fukumoto, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2016, 64, 1763–1768.

52. Acid-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Cyclization of Spirocyclopropanes for the Construction of a 2-Arylbenzofuran Skeleton: Total Synthesis of Cuspidan B
Hisanori Nambu, Naoki Ono, and Takayuki Yakura
Synthesis 2016, 48, 1892–1901.

51. Recyclable Magnetic Nanoparticle-Supported Iodoarene Catalysts for Oxidation of 4-Alkoxyophenols to Quinones
Hisanori Nambu, Ikumi Shimokawa, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Asian J. Org. Chem. 2016, 5, 486–489.

50. Total Synthesis of (+)-Tanikolide by a Traceless Stereoinduction Method Using Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed Oxonium Ylide Formation–[2,3]-Sigmatropic Rearrangement and NHC-Catalyzed Ring-Expansion Lactonization
Hisanori Nambu, Hikari Jinnouchi, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Synlett 2016, 27, 1106–1109.

49. Synthetic Studies on Pachastrissamine Sulfur Analogue: Synthesis of 4-epi-Sulfur Analogue
Bo Liu, Kazuki Hashimoto, Hisanori Nambu, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2016, 64, 366–370.

48. Efficient Oxidative Cleavage of Tetrahydrofuran-2-methanols to γ-Lactones by a 2-Iodobenzamide Catalyst in Combination with Oxone®
Takayuki Yakura, Yuto Horiuchi, Akihiro Yamada, Hisanori Nambu, and Tomoya Fujiwara
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 869–873.

47. Practical Synthesis of Pachastrissamine (Jaspine B), 2-epi-Pachastrissamine, and the 2-epi-Pyrrolidine Analogue
Tomoya Fujiwara, Bo Liu, Wenqi Niu, Kazuki Hashimoto, Hisanori Nambu, and Takayuki Yakura
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2016, 64, 179–188.

46. Stereoselective Total Synthesis of Myriocin Using Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed C–H Amination Followed by Alkylation
Hisanori Nambu, Narumi Noda, Wenqi Niu, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
Asian J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4, 1246–1249.

45. Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (–)-Englerin A through Catalytic Diastereo- and Enantioselective Carbonyl Ylide Cycloaddition
Taiki Hanari, Naoyuki Shimada, Yasunobu Kurosaki, Neetipalli Thrimurtulu, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 11671–11676.

44. Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-E-d-Viniferin via an Intramolecular C–H Insertion of Diaryldiazomethane Using Rh2(S-TFPTTL)4
Yoshihiro Natori, Motoki Ito, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 4324–4327.

43. An Efficient Synthesis of Cycloalkane-1,3-dione-2-spirocyclopropanes from 1,3-Cycloalkanediones Using (1-Aryl-2-bromoethyl)dimethylsulfonium Bromides: Application to a One-pot Synthesis of Tetrahydroindol-4(5H)-one
Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Fukumoto, Wataru Hirota, Naoki Ono, and Takayuki Yakura
Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 4312–4315.

42. Diastereo- and Enantioselective Intramolecular 1,6-C–H Insertion Reactions of a-Diazo Esters Catalyzed by Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Motoki Ito, Yuji Kondo, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, Koji Takeda, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 1397–1400.

41. Synthesis of 10b-Fluorinated Analogues of Protubonine A and its 11a-Epimer via Fluorocyclisation of Tryptophan-Containing Dipeptides
Tomoya Fujiwara, Hiroko Yasuda, Yushi Nishimura, Hisanori Nambu, and Takayuki Yakura
RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 5464–5473.

40. Ring-Opening Cyclization of Cyclohexane-1,3-dione-2-spirocyclopropanes with Amines: Rapid Access to 2-Substituted 4-Hydroxyindole
Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Fukumoto, Wataru Hirota, and Takayuki Yakura
Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 4012–4015.

39. A 2-Iodobenzamide Catalyst for Oxidation of Alcohols at Room Temperature
Takayuki Yakura, Akihiro Yamada, Narumi Noda, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Hisanori Nambu
Asian J. Org. Chem. 2014, 3, 421–424.

38. Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (−)-trans-Blechnic Acid via Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed C–H Insertion and Palladium(II)-Catalyzed C–H Olefination Reactions
Motoki Ito, Ryosuke Namie, Janagiraman Krishnamurthi, Hitomi Miyamae, Koji Takeda, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Synlett 2014, 25, 288–292.

37. Enantioselective Cycloaddition of Carbonyl Ylides with Arylallenes Using Rh2(S-TCPTTL)4
Janagiraman Krishnamurthi, Hisanori Nambu, Koji Takeda, Masahiro Anada, Akihito Yamano, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 5374–5382.

36. A Polymer-Supported Chiral Fluorinated Dirhodium(II) Complex for Asymmetric Amination of Silyl Enol Ether
Tadashi Oohara, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, Koji Takeda, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2012, 354, 2331–2338.

35. A Stereocontrolled Construction of 2-Azido-2-deoxy-1,2-cis-a-galactosidic Linkages Utilizing 2-Azido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxygalactopyranosyl Diphenyl Phosphates: Stereoselective Synthesis of Mucin Core 5 and Core 7 Structures
Kosuke Kakita, Toshifumi Tsuda, Noritoshi Suzuki, Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron 2012, 68, 5005–5017.

34. Catalytic Enantioselective Intermolecular Cycloaddition of Diazodiketoester- Derived Carbonyl Ylides with Indoles Using Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Naoyuki Shimada, Tadashi Oohara, Janagiraman Krishnamurthi, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6284–6287.

33. Continuous Flow System with a Polymer-Supported Dirhodium(II) Catalyst: Application to Enantioselective Carbonyl Ylide Cycloaddition Reactions
Koji Takeda, Tadashi Oohara, Naoyuki Shimada, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 13992–13998.

32. Catalytic Enantioselective C–H Functionalization of Indoles with a-Diazopropionates Using Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates: Asymmetric Synthesis of the (+)-a-Methyl-3-indolylacetic Acid Fragment of Acremoauxin A
Takayuki Goto, Yoshihiro Natori, Koji Takeda, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2011, 22, 907–915.

31. Highly Enantioselective Cyclopropenation Reaction of 1-Alkynes with a-Alkyl-a-diazoesters Catalyzed by Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Takayuki Goto, Koji Takeda, Naoyuki Shimada, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, Motoo Shiro, Kaori Ando, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6803–6808.

30. Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Descurainin via 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of a Carbonyl Ylide Using Rh2(R-TCPTTL)4
Naoyuki Shimada, Taiki Hanari, Yasunobu Kurosaki, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 6572–6575.

29. A Polymer-Supported Chiral Dirhodium(II) Complex: Highly Durable and Recyclable Catalyst for Asymmetric Intramolecular C–H Insertion Reactions
Koji Takeda, Tadashi Oohara, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6979–6983.

28. Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of the endo-6-Aryl-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct- 3-en-2-one Natural Product from Ligusticum chuanxing via 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of a Formyl-Derived Carbonyl Ylide Using Rh2(S-TCPTTL)4
Naoyuki Shimada, Taiki Hanari, Yasunobu Kurosaki, Koji Takeda, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, Motoo Shiro, and Shunichi Hashimoto
J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 6039–6042.

27. Catalytic Asymmetric Construction of the exo-7-Aryl-6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane Framework of Psoracorylifols B and C Using a Carbonyl Ylide Cycloaddition Strategy
Yasunobu Kurosaki, Naoyuki Shimada, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2010, 31, 694–696.

26. Asymmetric Approach to the Pentacyclic Skeleton of Aspidosperma Alkaloids via Enantioselective Intramolecular 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Carbonyl Ylides Catalyzed by Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Hisanori Nambu, Mayuka Hikime, Janagiraman Krishnamurthi, Megumi Kamiya, Naoyuki Shimada, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 3675–3678.

25. Asymmetric Synthesis of Neolignans (−)-epi-Conocarpan and (+)-Conocarpan via Rh(II)-Catalyzed C–H Insertion Process and Revision of the Absolute Configuration of (−)-epi-Conocarpan
Yoshihiro Natori, Hideyuki Tsutsui, Naoki Sato, Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, Motoo Shiro, and Shunichi Hashimoto
J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 4418–4421.

24. Asymmetric Formal Synthesis of (–)-Pancracine via Catalytic Enantioselective C–H Amination Process
Masahiro Anada, Masahiko Tanaka, Naoyuki Shimada, Hisanori Nambu, Minoru Yamawaki, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 3069–3077.

23. Catalytic Enantioselective Intermolecular Cycloaddition of 2-Diazo-3,6-diketoester- Derived Carbonyl Ylides with Alkynes and Styrenes Using Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Naoyuki Shimada, Masahiro Anada, Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, Hideyuki Tsutsui, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 3603–3606.

22. Catalytic Stereoselective Glycosidation with Glycosyl Diphenyl Phosphates: Rapid Construction of 1,2-cis-a-Glycosidic Linkages
Miyuki Koshiba, Noritoshi Suzuki, Ryoichi Arihara, Toshifumi Tsuda, Hisanori Nambu, Seiichi Nakamura, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Chem. Asian J. 2008, 3, 1664–1677.

21. Catalytic Asymmetric Hetero-Diels–Alder Route to a Key Intermediate for the Synthesis of Calyxin L
Takuya Washio, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2007, 18, 2606–2612.

20. Asymmetric Syntheses of Diarylheptanoid Natural Products (–)-Centrolobine and (–)-De-O-methylcentrolobine via Hetero-Diels–Alder Reaction Catalyzed by Dirhodium(II) Tetrakis[(R)-3-(benzene-fused-phthalimido)-2-piperidinonate]
Takuya Washio, Reika Yamaguchi, Takumi Abe, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 12037–12046.

19. Catalytic Enantioselective Tandem Carbonyl Ylide Formation/1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of a-Diazo Ketones with Aromatic Aldehydes Using Dirhodium(II) Tetrakis[N-benzene-fused-phthaloyl-(S)-valinate]
Hideyuki Tsutsui, Naoyuki Shimada, Masahiro Anada, Makoto Nakajima, Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 521–526.

18. Enantioselective Synthesis of 3-Arylindan-1-ones via Intramolecular C–H Insertion Reactions of a-Diazo-b-ketoesters Catalyzed by Chiral Dirhodium(II) Carboxylates
Yoshihiro Natori, Masahiro Anada, Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Heterocycles 2006, 70, 635–646.

17. Dirhodium(II) Tetrakis(perfluorobutyrate)-Catalyzed 1,4-Hydrosilylation of a,b-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds
Masahiro Anada, Masahiko Tanaka, Kanami Suzuki, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2006, 54, 1622–1623.

16. Hydrazines and Azides via the Metal-Catalyzed Hydrohydrazination and Hydroazidation of Olefins
Jérôme Waser, Boris Gaspar, Hisanori Nambu, and Erick M. Carreira
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 11693–11712.

15. Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrohydrazination of Dienes and Enynes: Access to Allylic and Propargylic Hydrazides
Jérôme Waser, José C. González-Gómez, Hisanori Nambu, Pascal Huber, and Erick M. Carreira
Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 4249–4252.

14. Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective Construction of 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclopentane Compounds by Dirhodium(II) Tetrakis[N-phthaloyl-(S)-tert-leucinate]- Catalyzed C–H Insertion Reactions of a-Diazo Esters
Kazushi Minami, Hiroaki Saito, Hideyuki Tsutsui, Hisanori Nambu, Masahiro Anada, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347, 1483–1487.

13. Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydroazidation of Olefins: Convenient Access to Alkyl Azides
Jérôme Waser, Hisanori Nambu, and Erick M. Carreira
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 8294–8295.

12. Efficient Synthesis of Thioesters and Amides from Aldehydes by Using an Intermolecular Radical Reaction in Water
Hisanori Nambu, Kayoko Hata, Masato Matsugi, and Yasuyuki Kita
Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11, 719–727.

11. A Simple and Efficient Radical Reduction Using Water-soluble Radical Initiator and Hypophosphorous Acid in Aqueous Alcohol
Hisanori Nambu, Anahita Hessamian Alinejad, Kayoko Hata, Hiromichi Fujioka, and Yasuyuki Kita
Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 8927–8929.

10. The Efficient Synthesis of Morphinandienone Alkaloids Using a Combination of Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagent and Heteropoly Acid
Hiromi Hamamoto, Yukiko Shiozaki, Hisanori Nambu, Kayoko Hata, Hirofumi Tohma, and Yasuyuki Kita
Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 4977–4982.

9. A Novel and Direct Synthesis of Chroman Derivatives Using a Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagent
Hiromi Hamamoto, Kayoko Hata, Hisanori Nambu, Yukiko Shiozaki, Hirofumi Tohma, and Yasuyuki Kita
Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 2293–2295.

8. A Convenient Synthesis of the Beraprost Intermediate: A Useful Method for Introducing a C3 Unit at the Benzyl Position
Kazuhiro Higuchi, Kazuyuki Sawada, Hisanori Nambu, Takeshi Shogaki, and Yasuyuki Kita
Org. Lett. 2003, 5, 3703–3704.

7. An Efficient Methodology for the C–C Bond Forming Radical Cyclization of Hydrophobic Substrates in Water: Effect of Additive on Radical Reaction in Water
Hisanori Nambu, Gopinathan Anilkumar, Masato Matsugi, and Yasuyuki Kita
Tetrahedron 2003, 59, 77–85.

6. The Direct Synthesis of Thioesters Using an Intermolecular Radical Reaction of Aldehydes with Dipentafluorophenyl Disulfide in Water
Hisanori Nambu, Kayoko Hata, Masato Matsugi, and Yasuyuki Kita
Chem. Commun. 2002, 1082–1083.

5. A Simple and Efficient Iodination of Alcohols on Polymer-Supported Triphenylphosphine
Gopinathan Anilkumar, Hisanori Nambu, and Yasuyuki Kita
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2002, 6, 190–191.

4. Regioselective Nucleophilic Addition of Methoxybenzene Derivatives to the b-Carbon of p-Benzoquinone Mono O,S-Acetal
Masato Matsugi, Kenji Murata, Gopinathan Anilkumar, Hisanori Nambu, and Yasuyuki Kita
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2001, 49, 1658–1659.

3. A Novel and Efficient Methodology for the C–C Bond Forming Radical Cyclization of Hydrophobic Substrates in Water
Yasuyuki Kita, Hisanori Nambu, Namakkal G. Ramesh, Gopinathan Anilkumar, and Masato Matsugi
Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 1157–1160.

2. Facile and Efficient Sulfenylation Method Using Quinone Mono-O,S-Acetals under Mild Conditions
Masato Matsugi, Kenji Murata, Kentoku Gotanda, Hisanori Nambu, Gopinathan Anilkumar, Keita Matsumoto, and Yasuyuki Kita
J. Org. Chem. 2001, 66, 2434–2441.

1. An Efficient Sulfenylation of Aromatics Using Highly Active Quinone Mono O,S-Acetal Bearing a Pentafluorophenylthio Group
Masato Matsugi, Kenji Murata, Hisanori Nambu, and Yasuyuki Kita
Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 42, 1077–1080.


6. Books & Reviews

10. 求核剤によるスピロシクロプロパンの開裂―環化反応の開発とその応用
南部寿則, 矢倉隆之
有機合成化学協会誌 (J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn.), 2021, 79, 777–786.

9. Recent Topics in Application of Selective Rh(II)-Catalyzed C–H Functionalization toward Natural Product Synthesis
Takayuki Yakura, and Hisanori Nambu
Tetrahedron Lett. 2018, 59, 188–202 (Digest paper).

8. スピロシクロプロパンの高反応性を活用する複素環化合物の新規合成法の開発(平成28年度日本薬学会北陸支部学術奨励賞総説)
薬学雑誌 (YAKUGAKU ZASSHI), 2018, 138, 19–25.

7. Magnetic Nanoparticle-Supported Iodoarene Oxidative Catalysts and Its Application to Phenol Oxidation
Hisanori Nambu, Ikumi Shimokawa, Tomoya Fujiwara, and Takayuki Yakura
New Horizons of Process ChemistryScalable Reactions and Technologies (Eds.: Kiyoshi Tomioka, Takayuki Shioiri, and Hironao Sajiki), Springer, 2017, pp. 121–129.

6. Practical and Environmentally Friendly Transformation of Tetrahydrofuran-2- methanols to g-Lactones via Oxidative Cleavage
Tomoya Fujiwara, Yuto Horiuchi, Akihiko Yamada, Hisanori Nambu, and Takayuki Yakura
New Horizons of Process ChemistryScalable Reactions and Technologies (Eds.: Kiyoshi Tomioka, Takayuki Shioiri, and Hironao Sajiki), Springer, 2017, pp. 179–190.

5. ヨードアレーン-オキソンを用いるフェノール類およびアルコール類の触媒的超原子価ヨウ素酸化反応の開発
矢倉隆之, 南部寿則, 藤原朋也
有機合成化学協会誌 (J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn.), 2017, 75, 209–218.

4. 触媒的C–H活性化を機軸とする天然物合成
穴田仁洋, 南部寿則, 橋本俊一
不活性結合・不活性分子の活性化:革新的な分子変換反応の開拓, 日本化学会編, 化学同人, 2011, pp. 175–191.

3. オレフィンクロスメタセシス
橋本俊一, 南部寿則
天然物合成で活躍した反応:実験のコツとポイント, 有機合成化学協会編, 化学同人, 2011, pp. 12–13.

2. Stereocontrolled Construction of 1,2-cis-a-Glycosidic Linkages Using Glycosyl Diphenyl Phosphates and Synthesis of a-Galactosylceramide KRN7000
Hisanori Nambu, Seiichi Nakamura, Noritoshi Suzuki, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. 2010, 22, 26–40.

1. Phosphates, Phosphites, and Other O–P Derivatives
Seiichi Nakamura, Hisanori Nambu, and Shunichi Hashimoto
Handbook of Chemical Glycosylation: Advances in Stereochemistry and Therapeutic Relevance (Ed.: A. V. Demchenko), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008, Chapter 3d, pp. 223–259.


7. Patent

4. Phytosphingosine Derivative Having Sulfonyl Group
出願番号:特願2014-225684 (出願日:2014年11月6日)
国際公開番号:WO2016/072452 A1 (国際公開日:2016年5月12日)

3. 磁性鉄粒子担持ヨウ素触媒
出願番号:特願2014-061025 (出願日:2014年3月25日)

2. ヨードベンズアミド型アルコール酸化触媒
出願番号:特願2014-048273 (出願日:2014年9月17日)

1. Process for Intramolecular Radical Cyclization
Yasuyuki Kita, Hisanori Nanbu, Masato Matsugi, Atsunori Sano
北 泰行,南部寿則,松儀真人,佐野淳典
出願番号:特願2000-316114 (出願日:2000年10月17日)
国際公開番号:WO 02/32890 A1 (国際公開日:2002年4月25日)



1. リンイリドを用いたスピロシクロプロパンの開裂—環化反応による炭素環構築法の開発
日本薬学会関西支部総会・大会 2022年10月8日摂南大学枚方キャンパス